I remember a model of evangelism that felt like a sales pitch.
I would attend a seminar and learn the newest script for evangelism. The idea is that I would learn a series of conversational steps that would help people
- See their need for Jesus
- Make a decision to follow Christ
- Repeat a prayer after me.
- Sign here for follow up.
- All in less than 30 minutes.
The script was “the powerful new tool,” and it was meant to help you “share your faith” and confidently prepare you to “lead people to Christ.”
If we were truly honest with ourselves, in the practice of your life did it ever work?
Not in my life.
I never really latched onto that sales pitch. Most of the readers of this blog never latched on to that model as it felt forced, maybe dishonest and turned Jesus in a product marketing.
How can you have effective spiritual conversations?
Over the years, I have learned to have more effective spiritual conversations with serious people searching for “something.”
I have learned
- To watch for the nudge of the Holy Spirit
- To observe spiritual thirst
- To know where I am in their journey
- To help people make next steps in their journey to Jesus.
Based on the encounter between Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch, I have applied these four principles with great effectiveness in helping people discover Jesus.
You can learn these same principles and leave the formulas behind.
Effective Evangelism Conversations
You can learn more about these four clues in this 3 DVD set.
- How timing makes evangelistic conversation natural
- The key clue to having natural faith sharing conversation
- How to keep the pressure off a conversation, yet still point people towards Jesus
- What role you play in helping a person take the next step.
This recorded seminar is not so much about what to say in a faith sharing conversation.
Rather, I want to focus on the question of timing — when can a faith conversation naturally occur.
What is on the DVD set?
- 8 Segments, each about 15-20 minutes
- Practicum / Discussion questions after each segment.
- Each segment is a recording of a live seminar I gave, preceded with a short introduction and finished with study questions.
Here is a sample from the new Evangelism DVD Set that I have prepared
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